
时间:2022-01-11 13:42:56来源:法律常识







1. 聘约为____年,自一九九七年十一月四日至一九九七年十一月四日,自承包方到达之日正式开始起效。承包方在进行二年工作中后即回到该国。

2. 承包方月薪为美元1,200(贰仟贰佰元),由客户在沙特付款并可由承包方随便汇给我国。在服务项目期内,承包方的居所由招标方给予。

3. 承包方自北京市至沙特及其服务项目满期自沙特回北京的机票,由招标方给予。

4. 承包方应遵循沙特的法律法规和规章制度。

5. 本协议书中英本各二份,由彼此各执每一种文字各一份。

招标方 承包方


This Agreement is made and entered into this first day of ______, 1997 between the ABC Plant, Bahrain (hereinafter called the First party) and Mr. XXX (hereinafter called the Second Party) .

WHEREAS the First Party is willing to employ the Second Party and the Second Party agrees to do as First Party's engineer in Bahrain , it is hereby mutually agreed as follows :

1. The employment is for a period of two years from Nov.04, 1997 to Nov,04, 1999 , exactly functioning from the date the Second Party arrives at the ABC Plant and he will return to his country when he has completed his two years service.

2. The Second Party's monthly salary is USD 1,200 ( say one thousand and two hundred U. S. Dollars) which shall be paid monthly in Bahrain and can be remitted to China at the discretion of the Second party. The Second Party's housing shall be provided by the First Party during the service period.

3. The Second Party shall be provided by the First Party with the air-tickets from Beijing to Bahrain, and from Bahrain to Beijing upon terminating the service.

4. The Second Party shall obey the laws and regulations of Bahrain.

5. This Agreement is made both in English language and Chinese language in duplicate, each of which shall be kept by either party.

The First Party The Second Party


劳动者 交通事故 用人单位 劳动合同 债务人 协议 自诉 房屋 土地 补偿费 案件 债务 离婚协议书 公司 债权人 合同 甲方 最低工资标准 交通 车祸 债权 伤残 条件 鉴定 工资 程序 补助费 刑事案件 拆迁人 兵法 期限 标准 交通肇事 解除劳动合同 财产 补偿金 客户 当事人 企业 法院