
时间:2022-12-26 00:15:00来源:法律常识

云德律师事务所 今天


云德律师事务所成立于2010年8月,2020年5月启动城市合伙人计划,先后在成都、南京、郑州、深圳、乌鲁木齐设立云德分所,为律所合作企业提供全国化的服务。云德律所现办公面积8000平方米,可同时容纳上千人办公,现有律师及法学专家400余人,大都毕业于国内著名的法学院校,硕士学历比例达70%,云德专家100%具有博士学位和高级职称。Yunde Law Firm was established in August 2010, and launched the City Partner Plan in May 2020. Yunde law Firm has set up branches in Chengdu, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Shenzhen and Urumqi to provide nationwide services for law firm partners. The office area of Yunde law Firm is 8000 square meters, can accommodate thousands of people at the same time, there are more than 400 lawyers and legal experts, most of them graduated from famous domestic law schools, the proportion of master's degree reaches 70%, yunde experts have a doctorate and senior title.成立十年来,云德律师事务所审时度势,勇于创新,形成独具特色的“一院一委五中心”管理体系,并创建了西北首家商务调解中心,先后荣获省级优秀律师事务所、省直规范化法律援助工作部、先进基层党组织、五星级党支部、优秀共产党员、优秀党务工作者、全国律师行业优秀党员。云德40余名律师同时被聘为省内多家高校研究生实务导师和客座教授等,目前云德律所服务的500强企业有五十家之多,并且在不断地推动律所的高质量法律服务。Founded ten years, winder situation, the law firm innovation, form a unique "a school committee five centers" management system, and create the northwest's first commercial conciliation center, has won the provincial outstanding law firm, made standardization of legal aid work, advanced basic-level party organization, the five-star party branch, outstanding communist party member, outstanding party workers, the national legal profession outstanding party members. At the same time, more than 40 lawyers of Yunde have been employed as practical tutors and visiting professors of postgraduate students in many universities in The province. At present, there are as many as 50 fortune 500 enterprises served by Yunde Law Firm, and the firm is constantly promoting its high-quality legal services.









2020年云德律师事务所正式启动城市合伙人计划,以云德(深圳)律师事务所作为中国区运营中心,同步在成都、南京、郑州、深圳、乌鲁木齐设立分所,并正在北京、武汉、重庆、上海、兰州、西宁、银川、杭州等其他国家中心城市筹办分所,形成独具特色的城市合伙人发展规划;通过全国布局连接,采用直投、直管、直营的模式,各地分所办公资源分享,汇集律所资源优势,打破地域局限性和封闭性,保障客户的服务质量要求,实现全国化的服务模式,城市合伙人将扩大律所的品牌影响力,并激发出全体云德人蓬勃进取的活力与激情。2020 winder partner at law firm launched city plan, to winder (shenzhen) law firm as a China operation center, the synchronization in chengdu, nanjing, zhengzhou, shenzhen, urumqi, set up branch office and is in Beijing, wuhan, chongqing, Shanghai, lanzhou, xining, yinchuan, hangzhou and other national center city branch, form unique partner city development planning; Through the layout of the connection, the use of direct investment, straight tube, marketing pattern, branch office around the resource sharing, law firms, resource advantage, break the regional limits and closeness, guarantee the quality of service requirements of our clients, to achieve national "service mode, city partners will enlarge the brand influence of law firms, and inspire the winder people vigorous vitality and passion in progress.











云德律所具有完善的青年培养机制,为青年律师提供发展和成长的舞台!云德律师学院作为云德特色板块,发轫于云德辩论联赛,2017年2月云德律师学院正式挂牌成立,云德律师学院是云德律所发展及人才培养平台,以“培养人才、优化资源”为发展蓝图,专门致力于实习律师实务、礼仪、沟通交流全方面的培养。云德律师学院会每周定期的开设课程,包括模拟法庭、法官或教授讲座、首席实操培训、礼仪培训等。云德律师学院自成立以来,培养了将近四百名执业律师,快速的促进了青年律师的成长,为青年律师后期的发展奠定扎实的执业基础。Yunde law firm has a perfect youth training mechanism, providing a stage for young lawyers to develop and grow! Winder as winder lawyer college plate, start Yu Yunde league of the debate, in February 2017 formally founded winder's inn, winder law school is the development and personnel training platform, winder law firms to "cultivate talents, optimize resources" as the development blueprint, dedicated to practice law practice, etiquette, communicate all aspects of the training. Yunde Law School will hold regular courses every week, including moot court, judge or professor lectures, chief practice training, etiquette training, etc. Since its establishment, Yunde Law School has cultivated nearly 400 practicing lawyers, rapidly promoting the growth of young lawyers and laying a solid foundation for the later development of young lawyers.







1、执业律师岗位职责:(1)负责律所法律顾问的法律事务;(2)办理非诉讼法律事务,参加经济项目(并购、收购、投资、融资等)的谈判,研究、解决律师业务活动中遇到的疑难问题;(3)对部门相关项目发生的各类法律问题或事项进行尽职调查分析,并提出分析意见;(4)合同审核、范本格式合同等法律文本的修订与修改;(5)客户诉讼事务及法律纠纷事务处理;(6)指导律师助理的业务工作。 岗位要求:(1)持有中华人民共和国律师执业证书,身体健康;职业道德良好,无不良执业记录;(2)拥有良好的教育背景,出色的业务专长,致力于走专业发展道路;(3)具有较强的组织管理能力和沟通协调能力者优先;(4)工作理念适应律所创新发展模式;(5)认同云德律所一体化管理理念,富有团队合作精神;(6)没有受过相关的行政处罚或者投诉。 2、实习律师岗位职责:(1)协助律师处理各类案件及相关业务;(2)办理事务所交办的工作;(3)在律师指导下进行法律调查及相关工作事宜;(4)协助律师办理常见的非诉业务,掌握常用的各种合同草拟;(5)准备客户的各种相关法律文件;(6)定期参加律所培训;(7)对于实习期间优秀人员,可以直接晋升为城市合伙人。 岗位要求:(1)通过司法考试,取得法律职业资格证书;中国共产党员优先考虑;(2)民商法、行政法、刑法理论基础扎实;(3)具有较强的文字和语言表达能力,心理素质佳;(4)具有严谨踏实的工作作风、较强的团队意识,善于沟通;(5)具有良好的品行并对律师行业怀有敬畏之心。 联系方式: 联系人:马成元 联系电话:15691814472 电子邮箱:15336006452@163.com 1. Duties of a practicing lawyer:(1) Responsible for the legal affairs of the legal counsel of the law firm;(2) Handling non-litigation legal affairs, participating in the negotiation of economic projects (merger and acquisition, acquisition, investment, financing, etc.), studying and solving difficult problems encountered in lawyers' business activities;(3) Conduct due diligence and analysis on various legal issues or matters arising from relevant projects of the department, and put forward analytical opinions;(4) Review of contracts, revision and modification of template contracts and other legal texts;(5) Customer litigation and legal dispute handling;(6) To guide the professional work of the paralegal.Job Requirements:(1) Hold the lawyer's practice certificate of the People's Republic of China and be in good health; Good professional ethics, no bad practice record;(2) I have a good educational background, excellent business expertise and am committed to professional development;(3) Those with strong organizational management ability and communication and coordination ability are preferred;(4) The work philosophy ADAPTS to the innovative development mode of the law firm;(5) Agree with the integrated management concept of Yunde Law Firm and have the spirit of teamwork;(6) No relevant administrative penalties or complaints have been received.2. Responsibilities of internship lawyer:(1) Assist lawyers in handling various cases and related business;(2) Handling the work assigned by the office;(3) Conduct legal investigations and related work matters under the guidance of lawyers;(4) Assist lawyers in handling common non-litigation business and master the drafting of various commonly used contracts;(5) Prepare all kinds of relevant legal documents of clients;(6) Regularly attend law firm training;(7) For the outstanding personnel during the internship, they can be promoted to the city partner directly.Job Requirements:(1) Pass the judicial examination and obtain the legal professional qualification certificate; Members of the Communist Party of China will be given priority;(2) Solid theoretical foundation of civil and commercial law, administrative law and criminal law;(3) Strong writing and language skills, good psychological quality;(4) Have a rigorous and practical work style, strong sense of teamwork, good at communication;(5) Having good conduct and a sense of awe of the profession.Contact information:Contact person: Ma ChengyuanContact number: 15691814472E-mail: 15336006452@163.com














劳动者 交通事故 用人单位 劳动合同 债务人 协议 北京征地拆迁律师事务所前十名 自诉 房屋 土地 补偿费 案件 债务 离婚协议书 公司 债权人 合同 甲方 打官司 刑事案件 最低工资标准 交通 北京十大刑事律师事务所排名搜狐 车祸 工资 补助费 债权 伤残 程序 鉴定 条件 找律师可靠吗 拆迁人 期限 兵法 标准 交通肇事 解除劳动合同 律师办理建设工程法律业务操作指引二 财产