
时间:2022-12-07 16:00:11来源:法律常识


pore over sth 钻研;仔细阅读

A corporate attorney is poring over the contract to avoid any small mistakes. 公司律师正在仔细阅读合同,以避免任何很小的错误。

skim through sth 略读

Never just skim through the contract and sign your name. You must read carefully, especially the small print. 永远不要只是粗略看一眼合同就轻易地签字。你必须仔细阅读,尤其是用小号字写的那一部分。

be riddled with sth 充满

The whole article is riddled with grammar errors. 整篇文章充满了语法错误。

keep in with sb 与某人关系友好 ! = keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系

I keep in touch with her, but that don't mean I keep in with her. 尽管我跟她保持联系,但不代表我就跟她关系好。

head off sb/sth 阻止;拦截

  1. Hope it is too late, let us to take a shortcut to head him off. 希望还来得及,我们抄近路拦截他。
  2. Luckily, we timely headed off the crisis. 幸运的是,我们及时地阻止一场危机。

drive sb/sth off 击退;赶走

  1. They drived the enemy troops off. 他们击退了敌军部队。
  2. We want to drive those wild animals off. 我们想把这些野生动物赶走。

hanker after sth 渴望得到; 渴求 == long for sth == crave for sth

  1. Just like most of the youth, I hanker after a cushy job. 就跟大多数年轻人一样,我也渴望得到一份轻松舒适的工作。
  2. We all long for a well-paid job. 我们都渴望一份高薪工作。
  3. We crave for freedom and enough repect. 我们渴望得到自由和足够的尊重。

劳动者 交通事故 用人单位 劳动合同 债务人 协议 自诉 房屋 土地 补偿费 案件 债务 离婚协议书 北京征地拆迁律师事务所前十名 公司 债权人 合同 甲方 最低工资标准 交通 车祸 工资 补助费 刑事案件 债权 伤残 程序 鉴定 条件 拆迁人 期限 兵法 北京十大刑事律师事务所排名搜狐 标准 交通肇事 解除劳动合同 财产 补偿金 当事人 客户